Why Speeches, Sermons, & Lectures Don't Work

Why Speeches, Sermons, & Lectures Don't Work

Verbal rhetoric such as public speaking is useful but has limitations. This communication is great for goals and inspiration but does not produce behavioral changes. This is the myth of transformative information.

Transformative communication requires more than speaking. Why do we prefer verbal rhetoric, what culture is produced as a result, and what else should we try to do?

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Should I Have Rules For My Kids?

Should I Have Rules For My Kids?

Centered-Set parenting and family system leadership.

Should you have rules for your kids or should you let them do whatever they want? While those two extremes don’t convey all of the available options, what should a parent/child relationship be like? What does that require of parents? And how will that affect kids?

Taking cues from leadership techniques, a modern perspective of raising children involves examining the three overall approaches to parenting, centered versus bounded set philosophy, and intrinsic motivation.

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Why Resolutions, Innovation, & Good Ideas Often Fail

Why Resolutions, Innovation, & Good Ideas Often Fail

On creating habits and what’s in the way.

Memory is complicated, transformative information is a myth, and we naturally resist change

Memory requires information to be encoded and changing norms requires overcoming entrenched habits. These two barriers can be mastered with an intentional process that moves our ideas from our heads to our hands.

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